A Question from AskDrew Fan

AskDrew Fan
You guys are Fantastic! What advice would you give me if I wanted to start a website like this? Straight up you guys are my Idol!
AskDrew Fan, My advice to you would be, if you are at least 21 years of age, to drink lots of gin and whiskey and see what you come up with. We find that some of our best answers come when we are riding the wave of 80 proof deliciousness. Once you give it a try you will see what we mean. However, if you are not old enough to consume these beverages, I would suggest you find an activity that stimulates your creativity. Perhaps you could knit a slanket, raise a family of silk worms, or build your own ark that is big enough to hold two of every animal (the most realistic of all hobbies.) Before you know it you will find yourself coming up with ideas that everyone will enjoy. So have fun and remember, tell them AskDrewNow.com sent you.


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