A Question from Worried in Wilmington

Worried in Wilmington
My great-aunt just died and my mom won't leave her grave for anything. We have to bring her food and water and pitched a tent over here so she doesn't join the others! What can I do to get her spirits up?? (no pun intended)

Worried in Wilmington, My advice would be to bring the fun to your mom, get her a laptop and take her straight to AskDrewNow.com. Not only can she come to us for her mental health and spiritual advice, but she can enjoy our video and text answers and learn to laugh again. In fact, AskDrewNow.com was recently featured in "Depressed Monthly" magazine as one of the top five websites to show people that there are bigger losers out there than themselves. And while she is enjoying the site, treat her to a nice cup of hot chocolate from her very own AskDrewNow.com mug (available now in the AskDrewNow.com Store.) Give this a shot and if things don't turn around, let us know, we would be happy to pay her a visit in person and make sure she never stops smiling again.


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