A Question from All Shook Up in San Francisco

All Shook Up in San Francisco
Why does that tall man in the video look like Elvis so much? Is he really Elvis or is he his taller brother? Anyways, I look up to him. He's my hero.
All Shook Up in San Francisco, You caught us. The tall man you see in our videos is in fact Elvis's taller brother, Smelvis. We first met Smelvis when he ran away from the Gargantuan & Sons Travelling Freak Show...he was tired of being used and exploited for such little compensation. So now we use and exploit him for no compensation, a fair trade no matter how you look at it. And I couldn't think of a better role model for you than Smelvis, he is truly a heroic person. One time we got our frisbee stuck on top of a water tower and Smelvis just reached up and pulled it down for us. And you can't imagine how many pick-up basketball games we have won...oh yeah. So keep pulling for Smelvis, a Tall American Hero.


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Never would have thunk I would find this so indisnpseable.