A Question from Chove in Newman Grove

Chove in Newman Grove
Why can't I be supervisor? Why do I keep getting moved from shift to shift? How do I sell my house? Please www.AskDrewNow.com, I need your help.
Chove in Newman Grove, You can't be a supervisor because, based on your yearly reviews from your co-workers, you suck at your job. But it's ok, 96% of all people suck at their job, they just put up with the crap so they can pay their bills. So don't feel bad if you aren't supervisor material, most people just aren't cut out for the glamorous and fancy world of supervising. As for selling your house, I would suggest accepting more forms of payment than just money. Food stamps are really popular right now, as well as fresh Siberian monkey bile. Both of these things actually carry more value at the moment than the American dollar. Go figure!


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