A Question from Lawrence Phillips in Lockup

Lawrence Phillips in Lockup
I recently found a Pop Tart that came out of the toaster with the face of Peyton Manning burnt in on the back. Should I try selling it online for fast cash or accept that my pop tart has an extra chromosome and teach it to play Husker football?
Lawrence Phillips in Lockup, Unless you want your Peyton Manning Pop Tart to become a girlfriend punching, picnic pedestrian killing, coke snorting washed up half back wannabe, I would suggest you keep it as far away from Husker football as possible. Use that extra chromosome for something important. For example, you could teach it to read past a third grade level. Or you could use it to sire a litter of pygmy raccoons. Either way you would do more good for the world than letting your special Pop Tart get any where near a football field.


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