A Question from Number One Fan in Nantucket

Number One Fan in Nantucket
Why is Drew so kickass? And how can I become just like him?
Number One Fan in Nantucket, You are perhaps the single greatest fan we have ever come across. Your question is the most thought provoking, intelligent, and kick ass question that it is hard for me to figure out where to begin. I guess I am so great because everything I do is great. I believe that the true key to greatness is being great at all times. I find that as long as I continue to kick serious ass by being great, I can maintain my level of kickassness and continue being completely great. If you want to become just like me, start being awesome, amazing, kick ass and great in everything you do and, before you know it, you still won't be as awesome as me. But that's ok, you will still be better than 99.9% of everyone else.


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