A Question from Seepy Nip in Nardville

Seepy Nip in Nardville
The quotation on your website says "Where good people go for great advice." Where do bad people go for great advice. Or even yet, where do good people go for bad advice...besides those looking for answers in the Bible?
Seepy Nip in Nardville, This is a very interesting question. I believe that, even though they aren't included in our motto (nothing, what's the motto with you) that bad people would still visit this site for great advice. In fact we would love to see more bad people showing up on our site for some great advice. Now as far as good people seeking bad advice...or even bad people seeking bad advice, I would direct those people to places like Dear Abbey, Dr. Laura, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly or any other egotistical selfish blowhard that happens to have a public forum to spread their message of intolerance. Wow...that felt good. Almost as good as all of the great advice that people can get here!


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