A Question from Illegal in Texas

Illegal in Texas
Dear Drew,
I'm 22 Years old and was just informed by ICE (The US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) that I'm in fact, not a US Citizen. Apparently my parents moved me here when I was 4 years old and I had no idea. I have 30 days before my court date. What should I do?
Illegal in Texas, The only option you have is to find a nice American guy to marry to make sure they can't deport you. And lucky for you, AskDrewNow.com's very own camera man Sally is single and ready for some loving. Yes, he is a man who is named Sally, but don't let that fool you. He is 100% hard core American male. And it doesn't even matter to Sally if you are a male or female, he can accomodate to whatever need you have. So give us a call or drop us a line and we will set up a meet-and-greet. Not only do we love to entertain you, but we also love to help our fans gain citizenship to this country. Try to find any other website that offers you all of that...we are one of a kind.


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