A Question from Wannabe Dad in Dothan

Wannabe Dad in Dothan
I think that you are the smartest person alive, and I was hoping you could answer this question for me? How do you make a baby? I've seen a lot of people with babies and I think it would be nice to have my own. I heard that little girls were made of sugar and spice and everything nice while boys were made up of snips and snails and puppy dog tails. Do you know the exact recipe?
Wannabe Dad in Dothan, First off, thank you for the compliment. I enjoy being the smartest person alive. As far as how babies are made, we have a very informative video we are working on right now that will explain everything you need to know about the entire "baby making" process. Keep an eye out for it! And just to give you a taste, figuratively and literally, the secret ingredient is heaven juice. Mmmmm....tastes like angels.


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