A Question from Binged in Boston

Binged in Boston
When doing web searches on Google, it is common to say "I just googled Drew" and this is an appropriate statement to make. But, Microsoft has introduced its own search engine called bing.com. So, would it also be appropriate to say "I just binged Drew?" Or should binging someone be done in the confines of your own home?
Binged in Boston, You have made a very intelligent observation. In fact, we are so interested in your ideas about "googling" and "binging" Drew that we are ready to announce a new service here on AskDrewNow.com. For only $200 per 20 minutes you can "google" Drew anywhere you like. And if that doesn't get your dipstick and/or pudding pie steaming, you can now "bing" Drew anywhere you want for only $500 per 20 minutes. So if anyone is interested in this new service be sure to contact us so we can set it up. Most major credit cards are accepted, as well as food stamps and traveller's checks. Just make sure you are careful if you "bing" Drew in the face...we don't want to bruise his money-maker.


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