A Question from G.E.D. Failure in Georgetown

G.E.D. Failure in Georgetown
I'm a big fan of Fox News and talk radio. Can you do a tribute to Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck in one of your videos. The tall man could play Hannity and then that other guy named Sally could be Glenn Beck. That would be great! Oh, and did I mention I'm also mentally handicapped? Yee haw!
G.E.D. Failure in Georgetown, Your energy and excitement over your love for Fox News, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck is a thing of beauty. Your passion is inspiring and I for one would love to film an AskDrewNow.com video tribute to all of your heroes. Give me some time to get myself and the rest of my crew in to the mind set of these people. To start, we will all need to erase our memories of any form of education over third grade we have ever had. Also, we will need to quickly learn the tactics of fear and hate mongering so we can truly believe in everything we say. And lastly, we will work on nurturing the selfish and greedy nature all of these people represent. Once we have mastered these skills of idiocy and hypocrisy we will get that video masterpiece up and running for you. As always, we are here for all of our fans!


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