A Question from Billy Ray In Boulder

Billy Ray In Boulder
Is there a part of your body that you look at and start to laugh?
Billy Ray in Boulder, As one might expect, I frequently look at myself naked in the mirror to admire the amazingness that is Drew. But alas, there is one major flaw to this masterpiece that makes me laugh every time. I have a birthmark that starts at my knee, wraps around my thigh, comes across my chode and straight up my taint stick. And here is the scary part; the birthmark bares a striking resemblance to film, television star and NBA Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. It even has a tiny little bald head right at the top, just like our favorite hook-shot Laker. I am currently in the process of knitting my birthmark the cutest little jersey. Hopefully someday he can make us all proud and get a basketball scholarship to UCLA. Keep an eye out for the birthmarks appearance on an upcoming video. Kareem would be proud.


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