A Question from Careless in Clitson

Careless in Clitson
I keep clicking your donate button and my mom keeps getting pissed off. I don't see what the big problem is, I'm donating to a good cause, aren't I?
Careless in Clitson, The simple answer is HELL YES! Not only does the donation money go towards website maintenance, video production and research & development, it also goes to the world famous "Needy Child Fund." That's right; the original Needy Child Fund was started back in 1998 by one industrious young man looking to raise money for the most needy child of all...himself. So we have continued the tradition with our website. In fact, 132% of all donations to our site go directly to that needy child. And just a fun fact, we employ that needy child for all of our child labor needs...so...that works out great for everyone. Donate away and help keep AskDrewNow.com on the air!


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