A Question from Bill in Boulder

Bill in Boulder
Dear Drew, Why does college homework suck?
Bill in Boulder, The main reason college homework sucks is because going to school licks balls. If there are any kids out there checking out AskDrewNow.com right now, take down this one piece of advice: Quit school immediately. The truth is, there is no use for education any more. Just get an application for your local fast food restaurant and call it a life. Hey, free processed meat-like artificial food products for the rest of your life! *In all seriousness, AskDrewNow.com promotes education above all else. It is only through continued education that we can learn from the mistakes of the past. Join us in our education revolution. Send your contact info to AskDrewNow.com and we will send you a fan package to help you spread the word of AskDrewNow.com to everyone you know, in the name of education*


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