A Question from Bebe from Belching

Bebe from Belching
Dear Drew, Where would you want to go or be on your honey moon and with whom?
Bebe from Belching, If I had to choose just one person to go on a honey moon with...it would be a tie between OJ Simpson and AskDrewNow.com's own Garrett. Of course, if I had to choose just one...for the sake of not getting murdered...I would have to go with Garrett. He is such a loving and generous lover. As far as where we would go, I would have to suggest Harvard, Nebraska. It is one of the most beautiful and romantic places on Earth. In fact, the third most visited vacation site in the world, right behind Iraq and Afghanistan, is Harvard, Nebraska. Just check out our Harvard Documentary to see some of the highlights of this beautiful community. If you want to check it out sometime, let us know when you are in the area and we will fly our documentary crew down to meet you and show you around. And hey, maybe you can join us on our next completely hetero honey moon...hetero not guaranteed.


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