A Question from Schizzle from Fairmont

Schizzle from Fairmont
Dear Drew, My daddy has been a Candy Corn Farmer since 1902. Presidente Obama recently passed "Health Care Reform," but my dad wants to help control the immigration population. If he had his employees' spaded or neutered would it be covered under the new policy?
Schizzle from Fairmont, I think the best path for you daddy to take would be for him to go ahead and keep the spading and neutering within his own family. In fact, the sooner he does this the better. The fact that he is a candy corn farmer would be reason enough, but this question brings to light so many more reasons why surgical sterilization should be required in your family. So don't worry about our new health care system or the immigration population...just get yourself and any of your family down to the free clinic right away to get as many tubes tied and testes clipped so the entire world can breathe a little easier.


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