A Question from Humped out in Humpville

Humped out in Humpville
Dear Drew, Word on the streets is that someone at AskDrewNow.com is a new dad...that means he must have gotten laid at least once. I like that a lot. Do you think he can cum over and join me and my girlfriend? Also, if you don't mind, could my mom and aunt join?
Humped out in Humpville, The tabloids have been following us all over recently, and pictures did surface of one of us "allegedly" having a baby...but none of those reports have been confirmed. But if its help humping you need, I can send out a couple of my best men right away. Just don't be surprised if you come down with some strange rash or some severe burning in your crotch and ankle areas. Just tape an aspirin to it and keep a tube of Preparation H with you at all times. Enjoy!


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