A Question from Frantic for Fromage in Farmcity

Frantic for Fromage in Farmcity
Dear Drew, just a little curious, what is the appropriate ratio of Wheat Thins to Cheez Whiz for regulation hors d'oeuvres?
Frantic for Fromage in Farmcity, I don't think there is any question that the proper ratio of Cheez Whiz to Wheat Thins is somewhere around 47,000,000:1. Wheat Thins suck donkey balls but nothing can beat that oily, artificial, pasteurized process cheese food we call Cheez Whiz. Sometimes, when I'm all alone on a Friday night, I like to slather my naked body in Cheez Whiz and let a pack of neighborhood dogs lick it all off while I roll around in the grass. I know what you're thinking...that's hot. You are correct.


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