A Question from Ishkabob Vanhusen

Ishkabob Vanhusen
Dear Drew,
I broke my arm and it hurts what should I do
Well, the first thing you should do is quit whining. I once stubbed my toe a little bit and only cried for an hour, so a broken arm is nothing. But if the pain is really too much to handle, just take a handful of aspirin, tape them to the most painful parts of your arm, and head to the nearest sauna to sweat your ass off and get that lovely aspirin residue soaking deep in to your appendage. Trust me, it works much better than ingesting or snorting them. So man ( or woman, I don't know you) up and get back in there, a broken arm is no reason to stop showing up to your job, even if you are just a fluff for your uncle's porno business. Gross.


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