A Question from Hates on finger-knives

Hates on finger-knives
Dear Drew,
I just heard Jason Voorhees & Leatherface were supposedly together. I realize they're not real... but when did they supposedly get married?
Hates on finger-knives, It is true that Jason and Leatherface have had a long and sordid romance. We have documented several of their encounters on our site to help keep everyone up to date on their relationship. But to my knowledge they have not actually "tied the knot" as of yet. I don't know if it's because they are both dudes and it's still not legal where they live (backwoods Kentucky) or if it's because they are both afraid of commitment. Rest assured, once we hear word of any planned nuptials we will be the first people there with a video camera to get the wedding (and honeymoon...that's just sexy) on tape for everyone to see.


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